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Media clones serving Russian propaganda in Europe

Media clones serving Russian propaganda in Europe

EU DisinfoLab has during the past three months been investigating a large disinformation campaign targeting western audience with pro-Russian propaganda. The complete report from EU Disinfo Lab can be found here: Doppelganger. Under the hood of a DoppelgängerMedia clones serving Russian propaganda September 27, 2022 This work is the result

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3 Pro-Russian Hacktivist Groups Linked To The GRU

3 Pro-Russian Hacktivist Groups Linked To The GRU

Mandiant researchers are tracking multiple self-proclaimed hacktivist groups working in support of Russian interests. They assess with moderate confidence that moderators of the purported hacktivist Telegram channels “XakNet Team,” “Infoccentr,” and “CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn” are coordinating their operations with Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU)-sponsored cyber threat actors. Mandiant's

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Russian Hackers Target Germany

Russian Hackers Target Germany

Today Anonymous hacker collective of Russia launched DDoS attack on websites of Germany. The reason for the attack is probably that German ministers have indicated that people fleeing Russia could apply for asylum in Germany after President Vladimir Putin ordered what he called a "partial military mobilization."

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"Operation OrcNet"  - egy titkos hálózat Oroszország közepén

"Operation OrcNet" - egy titkos hálózat Oroszország közepén

Az ukránbarát Team OneFist azt állítja, hogy az általuk Operation OrcNet-nek elnevezett műveletben feltörte az orosz Sztaroszubhangulovo (Старосубхангулово) település fő router-ét. A router-en keresztül pedig egy meglehetősen érdekes és kiterjedt hálózatot találtak. A hálózathoz  több mint 54 000 végpont csatlakozik 106 országból. A legtöbb amerikai és kínai (10 271 és

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Anonymous Declares War Against Iran In Protest Of Mahsa Amini's Brutal Death

Anonymous Declares War Against Iran In Protest Of Mahsa Amini's Brutal Death

The familiar, yet ineffaceable voice from a video of the decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective and movement Anonymous echoed on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon as the movement declared war against Iran and commenced a series of attacks against the government. After several days of massive protests in various areas

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A német szövetségi kormány teljes egészében államosítja az Uniper-t

A német szövetségi kormány teljes egészében államosítja az Uniper-t

Sajtóértesülések szerint az orosz-ukrán háború nyomán kialakult gázszállítási zavarok miatt súlyos pénzügyi nehézségekkel küzdő óriás gázkereskedőben már a szerdai nap folyamán 100 %-os tulajdont szerezhet Németország. A Bloomberg és a Die Welt értesülései szerint a  német szövetségi kormány mintegy 8 milliárd eurót juttat az Uniper-nek annak érdekében, hogy megakadályozza annak

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Russian Sandworm hackers pose as Ukrainian telcos to drop malware

Russian Sandworm hackers pose as Ukrainian telcos to drop malware

"The Russian state-sponsored hacking group known as Sandworm (aka: Quedagh, Voodoo Bear, TEMP.Noble, IRON VIKING, G0034, ELECTRUM, TeleBots, IRIDIUM, Blue Echidna) has been observed masquerading as telecommunication providers to target Ukrainian entities with malware." Sandworm is a state-backed threat actor attributed by the US government as part

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A Post-exploitation Look at Coinminers Abusing WebLogic Vulnerabilities

A Post-exploitation Look at Coinminers Abusing WebLogic Vulnerabilities

TrendMicro have recently observed malicious actors exploiting both recently disclosed and older Oracle WebLogic Server vulnerabilities to deliver cryptocurrency-mining malware. Oracle WebLogic Server is typically used for developing and deploying high-traffic enterprise applications on cloud environments and engineered and conventional systems. One of the older vulnerabilities that is still being

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Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities

Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities

The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) recently published a 38-page study, Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities by two esteemed researchers, Irina Borogan and Andrei Soldatov. The opening premise is that Russia has not demonstrated its cyber warfare adroitness in support of its invasion of Ukraine. Whether the

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Uber hacked, internal systems breached and vulnerability reports stolen

Uber hacked, internal systems breached and vulnerability reports stolen

Uber suffered a cyberattack Thursday afternoon with an allegedly 18-year-old hacker downloading HackerOne vulnerability reports and sharing screenshots of the company's internal systems, email dashboard, and Slack server. Other systems accessed by the hacker include the company's Amazon Web Services console, VMware vSphere/ESXi virtual machines,

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Lorenz Ransomware Exploit Mitel VoIP Systems to Breach Business Networks

Lorenz Ransomware Exploit Mitel VoIP Systems to Breach Business Networks

The operators behind the Lornenz ransomware operation have been observed exploiting a now-patched critical security flaw in Mitel MiVoice Connect to obtain a foothold into target environments for follow-on malicious activities. "Initial malicious activity originated from a Mitel appliance sitting on the network perimeter," researchers from cybersecurity firm

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