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Masszív WhatsApp Adatszivárgás -Több Százezer Magyar Telefonszám Is Érintett

Masszív WhatsApp Adatszivárgás -Több Százezer Magyar Telefonszám Is Érintett

Közel 500 millió WhatsApp-felhasználó – köztük 377 ezer magyar – telefonszámát árulja valaki egy hackerfórumon, amely már nem az első nagy léptékű adatszivárgás a közösségi médiaoldalak történetében. Tavaly tavasszal a Facebook, pár nappal később pedig a LinkedIn több százmillió felhasználójának adatait lopták el, majd árulták dark netes fórumokon a hackerek. A hirdetésben,

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Leaky Buckets in 2022

Leaky Buckets in 2022

Paolo Passeri, cybersecurity expert has been collecting the incidents due to cloud misconfigurations and leading to the exposure of data since 2020. The statistics of this collection related to year of 2022 were published on his website, Hackmageddon. Unfortunately despite increasing risks and awareness the number of incidents this year

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Pro-Russian group Killnet claims responsibility for DDoS attack that has taken down the European Parliament site

Pro-Russian group Killnet claims responsibility for DDoS attack that has taken down the European Parliament site

The European Parliament website was hit by a cyberattack  shortly after lawmakers approved a resolution calling Moscow a "state sponsor of terrorism". DDoS attacks are part of the announced campaign on October 2 by Anonymous Russia (the hacker group operating under the management of KillNet). “KILLNET officially recognises

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Cybersecurity Threats from Ukraine & Russia Increasing

Cybersecurity Threats from Ukraine & Russia Increasing

"Top10VPN analyzed malware activity from IP addresses in Ukraine and Russia since February and found the biggest spikes related to malware that helps botnets to spread. Resurgent malware included trojans that previously played a key role in propagating notorious botnets long since dismantled by major international law enforcement operations.

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High-Severity Flaw Reported in Critical System Used by Oil and Gas Companies

High-Severity Flaw Reported in Critical System Used by Oil and Gas Companies

Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a new vulnerability in a system used across oil and gas organizations that could be exploited by an attacker to inject and execute arbitrary code. The high-severity issue, tracked as CVE-2022-0902 (CVSS score: 8.1), is a path-traversal vulnerability in ABB Totalflow flow computers

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APT29 Exploited a Windows Feature to Compromise European Diplomatic Entity Network

APT29 Exploited a Windows Feature to Compromise European Diplomatic Entity Network

The Russia-linked APT29 nation-state actor has been found leveraging a "lesser-known" Windows feature called Credential Roaming following a successful phishing attack against an unnamed European diplomatic entity. "The diplomatic-centric targeting is consistent with Russian strategic priorities as well as historic APT29 targeting," Mandiant researcher Thibault Van

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Heti összefoglaló az ukrán-orosz kiberfrontról (2022. 10. 10. - 10. 16.)

Heti összefoglaló az ukrán-orosz kiberfrontról (2022. 10. 10. - 10. 16.)

Az orosz-ukrán háborúhoz kapcsolódó hacker csoportok állapota a Cyberknow  okt. 12-i frissítése szerint: * összesen 84 aktív csoport - az összlétszám a legutóbbi, szept. 7-i frissítéshez képest nem változott, az összetételben ugyanakkor történtek változások * 36 ukránbarát - ami eggyel több a szept. 7-i állapothoz képest * 42 oroszbarát - itt pedig eggyel

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