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Pro-Russian Hacker Groups DDoS Attack Against Latvian and NATO websites

Pro-Russian hacker group KillNet has launched DDoS attack today against several Latvian websites, among them primarily the website of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The website of Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( is currently unavailable.

Trigger of DDoS attacks was statement of Latvian Foreign Minister, Edgar Rinkevics in which he said Ukraine should be allowed to strike military sites inside Russia as it fends off attacks on its critical infrastructure.
"We should allow Ukrainians to use weapons to target missile sites or airfields from where those operations are being launched," Rinkevics said on November 29 in an interview while attending the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Bucharest.

Also today other pro-Russian hacker group, NoName057(16) has launched DDoS attack against NATO websites.
Based on the related posts on hackers' Telegram channel there are currently under attack three websites (, and All three websites are inaccesible  in this time.
Based on experience so far hackers will be able to maintain this status for a few hours at most.

In this case, the main purpose of the attack is to disrupt ongoing Cyber Coalition 2022, one of the world's largest cyber defence exercises which started on Monday (28 November).

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